Leaving Your Dog

Even before you get in the car to leave home, you’re affecting your dog’s transition to the kennel. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Leaving Home With Your Dog

Some dogs get anxious at the first sign you’re going away. To make leaving home stress-free, avoid a chaotic departure. If preparing for a trip is stressful, consider bringing your dog to us before you start to pack – even before the suitcases come out. The less stress your dog feels before leaving home, the better he/she will feel and the faster they adjust. You know your dog best, so consider this when booking your dog’s time with us.

Your Dogs Arrival

Arrive at Kozy Kennels as early in the day as possible – preferably by 2:00 pm, ****Thursday’s and Sunday’s NO LATER THAN 9:00am**** The earlier you arrive for your dogs first day with us, the quicker he’ll settle into our routine.


We know departing from your dog can be hard, but for his/her sake, avoid an emotional goodbye. Your emotions may make your dog anxious. So just hand us the leash with a smile and a happy word to your dog. Your dog will be fine. You will be too.

Let Us Keep Your Pet Company

  • On-site Veterinarian
  • All-inclusive boarding rates
  • Individual playtime in our spacious facilities
  • Professional grooming & boarding services
  • Friendly staff of pet enthusiast & professionals

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